Monday, July 16, 2007


When I woke up to the gray and rainy day, I didn't realize it would foreshadow the difficult day that was to come.

I started school today ...I had my first classes. The media class is divided into three different classes and my class is the lowest level. I guess my teacher equated our lower Korean level with a lower level of intelligence and taught in the most condescending way. He spoke as though were were Korean 101 speakers - slow and with easy vocab. There were also some other factors that made the class experience HORRIBLE, but as a result a cloud descended over my head and stayed there all day. I was in such a bad mood, and all I could do was complain. :(

Our day was long. We started class at 9:30 a.m. and had a full schedule of classes and meetings until 5:00 p.m. Afterwards, I was totally pooped. Dave (almost my neighbor) and I decided to splurge and take the taxi home ....only 10 cents more than the bus. I took a nice nap, and then met a program friend for coffee.

What a day. Thank goodness God is faithful and is my Comforter!! I hope I can have a sunny attitude despite the rainy days.

1. All Korean men carry one or more of the following: briefcase, backpack, European carry-all (Seinfeld reference), and/or sporty "purses."
2. People here walk up stairs and cross the street on the left side, despite the fact that they drive on the right.
3. The latest trend in cell phone usage: video calling and watching TV. So cool huh? America is still so far behind.