Today was the first day in a very long time where the weather was nice and cool. It reminded me of a nice fall day in LA - light breeze with no humidity. It was nice to sit by my open window and gaze out at the night view of Seoul. It just reminded me of how much I love the city - with all the lights, sounds, smells (both good and bad), culture, FOOD!, high-fashion, and fast-paced trends. I wish there was an American version of London (European class and old-world feel) + Seoul (Korean feel & food).
So I haven't blogged in a little while, and quite honestly it's because there is really not much to write about. ^^ I've been on summer break, which would have been the perfect opportunity to travel more but Japan was the only possible trip considering my budget and travel restrictions.
I've been doing a lot of sleeping at home, resting and chillaxing. These times are few and far between and I know that once school starts I will constantly be on the go so I am really taking advantage of my down time. School starts next week, and there is a possibility I'll start my internship next week as well ....if I do well on my interview tomorrow, that is. :)
This is my schedule for the semester:
M,W,F 9~2 Korean Language class and one college class
T,R - 9-5 Internship
I've never done an internship with classes before, so this will prove to be interesting. Maybe if its slow at the office I can do homework instead?
As for church, I have been attending Jubilee Church in Kang-Nam for the past few weeks. So far, the pastor is legit (he preaches the gospel every chance he gets) but I wonder about the body. I want to be challenged by people who want to change and grow in the Lord instead of being just church attenders. There are many ministry opportunities ...I'm most interested in the Youth ministry right now. We'll see what direction this takes.
Foods I have been craving: spaghetti, Vince's Mac & Cheese, pizza, Baja Fresh, In-N-Out, and french fries. Otherwise, I love Korean food so I'm loving the cuisine here!